Exponential Trust Times – Dr. Lobna Karoui

AI Exponential Thinker Actions

Dr. Lobna Karoui

Executive AI Business Director, Board Member, Digital Transformer, Speaker, Podcast Host

Visit The Unique AI Chanel of Trust “Exponential Trust Times” and meet our Guests : Google, Amazon, World Economic Forum, Bank of America, Airbus, Softbank, DataRobot…

Exponential Trust Times – Unique AI Chanel of Trust to educate and empower Global Citizens about Trust Technologies & AI Opportunities

Forbes By Dr. Lobna Karoui

What Nonprofits Stand To Gain From Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and data analytics are powerful techniques used in private corporates to increase revenues and reduce costs. Data-driven strategies proved their efficiency in creating massive added values and revenues for traditional businesses….

Why Nonprofits Should Focus On Disruption 

2020 was a very challenging year filled with uncertainty that was amplified by a lack of in-person social interactions and a series of rapid changes. Such a difficult time presented the need for support in many contexts: for front-line and healthcare workers, remote employees, students taking on distance learning, the general public concerned about the pandemic and so on….

Nonprofits Can Play A Role In The Future Of Education

Artificial Intelligence Events Worldwide

Quotes for Inspiration

Dr. Lobna Karoui – AI Exponential Thinker Mission & Purpose

Quotes – The Future in Times of Exponential Technologies

Podcasts & Shows

Katia Walsh, Chief Strategy and AI Officer at Levis & Co

Share The Stage : Questions from the Audience with Dr. Lobna Karoui

Media – Radio
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